Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Punishment for myself

So yea, I was thinking that this would be the punishment for the sin I've done last Saturday. It's already Tuesday, oh Wednesday dawn. 3days and 3 nights after I went home. 3 days of no food nor water to drink. 2 whole days of not taking a bath nor even brushing my teeth. Big eew yea? Haha! I was like a scavenger on the street or worse!

My boyfriend didn't do anything to help me out. He just texted me if I was alright, sometimes I expecting of NONE. Well I pretty appreciated the concerns. But maybe my rough and heavy feeling might lighten if he just arrives and sees me right?

But I see this positively. I rather be an optimistic that to die like a shit. Since they're really angry, I started avoiding them the time I came home. Of course I don't want to receive hit or slap from them haha!

So being an optimistic with out leaving the room for how many days in a raw was a shit to do. It's like killing yourself in boredom. So did lots of things, everything just to entertained myself. I did some vlogs that I don't want to share haha. Imagine the face of no taking a bath or even brush the teeth or even the hair. O crap! ahaha. I did wrote this first on a sheet of a paper and was planning to post it here as a blog as soon I can out from this room. Guess I succeeded! And also I started my diet. obviously not leaving a room that has none was a successful diet thinggy! And had finished reading 2 books matter about STUDYING blah blah. And finally won one of the games in my phone that I can't finish last time I played. 

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