Sunday, April 22, 2012

Fuck you

I didn't hesitate or thought anything before I type or label this with that title above. I'm so pissed this time, and it's my blog though.

So I have this particular friend. Friend for almost how many years. She's there when I'm growing up and I'm there when she's growing up. Imagine the time? But until now she doesn't know my traits at all. Or she just pissing me off by copying all things I had done, I had had or whatever thing involved in me. My galigawd!

Remember what I had posted last last time? I built an online business. And when she knew the news 'bout what i had built. She suddenly built too! Whadufaq right?!  But of course I checked hers if it's just a coincidence or not. The hell, I was right! Her big ass bf subscribed to our shop's fb  for them to have updates on what we're doing or had and I noticed one thing, she posted her new items. And those were alike from us!!! As in super alike. I dunno how to exaggerate that but with the super ironic word I may describe. She copied us!!! Tangina. As in everything!

It was like, you answered your exam with all of the best from you, gave a lot of effort just to master things and she asked you if she can copy your answers in the end her score was higher than yours. Yea, it was like that. I gave all things that I had. find things that we may sell. Find things that catch buyer's eyes. Did lots of efforts. Just in one snap other people stole that from you. That opportunity that knocked on your door and someone opened it instead of you. You expecting that though.

You may say that I am greedy, no I'm not! I have just one trait that rare people have it too. I just want to be unique, different with others, dissimilar from others, And when I did things, I did that for me unless it's for my loved ones. I don't care if they say or entitled me a "forever alone" thinggy. This is me. I didn't envy her. Coz' I know without other people she can't do and had things in her right now. She haven't any guts, money, intelligence, chance or anything that I had/have. And most of all I know what I'am capable with. I have trust on myself. i never get insecure to her. I know, I was bad here. But  put your feet on mine then think what you gonna feel after all.

  • We're in the mall and I saw a crop stripped shirt and I told her it was "in", it was beautiful. I told her that I gonna buy one. Then she told me that she'll buy one too. And when we're picking what color we want, I chose the blue one and she told me that she wanted it too. IKR kinda awkward. So I decided to picked red. And yea, I don't want to wear that knowing she'll wear it also at the same day. Yuck! we're not twins nor best friend. YUCK!
  • This was the first time I noticed she's copying me. I bought a violet pen. Its kinda cheap. If I'm not mistaken, not higher that 20 bucks. When she saw that she bought same brand, pink color. Crap. But I just passed it out. For us not to argue. Then I bought G-tech, she told me that she didn't want that kind of pen but the next day she already have. OH FUCK!
  • Same thing again, my mom bought me a black shoes for school. She noticed that and told me that was beautiful and "uso", after one day or two, she already bought same style of shoes. 
  • We're at divi this time, and I'm wearing my TOMS and she said she wants it too and she's looking the same thing there. Aw that's really awkward.
  • I saw a cheap polo shirt at divi, i told her. As usual, she bought same thing.
  • I cut my hair short and it looked really good to me. She said she wants to have a cut too. I'm not sure if it looks good when the two of us walking and chatting together. Maduh!
I dunno what to do. So i just posted it here and later on I'll post on tumblr for my friends to know including her. hahaha! 

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