Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Life Is Good

Basically people tend to blog because of wanting to share thoughts, opinions, experiences, facts or just want to have an "online Diary".

Like what I had observed from one of the blogging sites, they're always post memories of their own. Which great to save memories/photos from events there're attended. Or experiences that wanted to share.

But most kiddos today post super emotional thoughts on their site. Well frankly, I've done one. Umm, most of the time throwback when I'm still kiddo, or kiddo in mind. lol. So I realized how sad jutting notes or blogs that made one cry. The feeling that you don't want to read it back 'coz of the shameness knocking out in your blood. Sarcastically thought, it's kinda awkward though. 

I remember the time came that I wanna "deactivate" my blog site account because of the dramas I was posting time by time. If I have the choice, I wouldn't post such thoughts but then again I have no choice. I felt that dark side was larger than the bright side. Yea, I was too emotional in that. But still I don't want to be inactive in that account. I gained lotsa friends there though. Until my friend sent me message that maybe I should look for the brighter side of the boat. And yea, the happy thoughts, experiences and many more that made me smile even for awhile.

After realizing that, I thought many things that made a part of me that somehow, I smiled.

I have enemies though I have more friends than those bitches. And I have no doubt that they're much happier to be with. My family is complete, yea and I think that was one that I can be proud of. I have business and its getting bigger and bigger, and that is GUU-REAT!! ye? I have, loyal Boyfriend that can be my universal friend at the same time. What I mean is, He can be my best friend, close-friend, funny friend, same friend or anything with a suffix or prefix "friend". I love him like he's gonna be the man of my life, lol. We're together for 4 years and we're looking forward to the next level of our relationship. And above those all, I have my God, Father in heaven. Who always helps me with my problems, big or small.. He's always there. And I loved Him the most.

See? Life is so good and that is because God is very much good though.

So whenever the dark side of the room is eating me whole, I just grab my candle and find the way to the brighter side of it. xx

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